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Add Wings to Your Brand! Advertise with us!

( is empanelled under Information and Public Relations Dept., Govt. of Odisha)

News Portal | Social Channels | Media Events | Innovations

OdishaLIVE’, a leading digital media platform of the country, is having a bouquet of popular web and social media channels reaching out to millions of readers and viewers worldwide.

Through a bulk of relevant and engaging news and current affairs stories and videos, OdishaLIVE hits the bull’s eye touching both young and old generations through web and social media. It focuses on producing regular content in the areas of News, Entertainment, Art & Culture, Education, Corporate and Business, Startups, Sports, Health & Life Style, Technology, Tourism and Events etc.

OdishaLIVE news portal offers opportunities to showcase your brands and services through a number of conventional digital advertising tools and innovations, as below.

  1. Web Banners (Top Banner, Side Bars)
  2. Sky Bus (Above the Featured Window)
  3. Island Advt. inside Pages/Posts (Below the Featured Window)
  4. In-Line Ad (Inside the body of ALL Posts)
  5. Video Ad and .gif Ad
  6. Video Branding (OCL & CCL)
  7. Social Media Promotion (Facebook and YouTube)
  8. Event Promotion

Technical Details:

  • Top Banner (1 Slot): 720px100p
  • Sky Bus (1 Slot): 980px100p
  • Island Advt. –Top (1 Slot): 720px100p
  • Island Advt. (Others): 720px100p
  • In Line Advt. (Inside All Posts): 300px250p
  • Home Page Side Bar –Top (1 Slot): 300px250p
  • Home Page Side Bar (Other): 300px250p
  • Video Ad: 1920px1080
  • Open for Innovations & Customization

Apart from the news portal (, OdishaLIVE media is actively engaging the audience through its popular Social Channels like Facebook Page ( and YouTube Verified Channel ( Thus under our web and social media advertisement strategy we offer certain promotion opportunities for the clients on these leading social sites.

NB: Special Pkg offered to Corporate clients and Ad Agencies for long-term booking of space, sponsorship for various media events and innovations.

For Booking Contact:

Manager, Sales & Digital Branding
Call: +91 6370952105, 09437069508
Email: ceo[@]odisha[.]live, info[@]odisha[.]live

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