OdishaLIVE Bureau

With a dream to work for the upliftment of the browbeaten ones in the society and a novel initiative to give wings to her dream, She is doing a good deal of work for enhancing the lives of children and women from the slums of Saliasahi to the streets of Delhi and Bihar. We present to you a political heir, a socialite and above all a kind hearted soul Mrs. Rosalin Patsani Mishra, Founder Parichay Foundation in a talk with OdishaLIVE

OL: How do you recall the inception of Parichay Foundation and what was the key drive in you behind establishing the Organisation?

RP: For the past few years I dreamt of contributing to the society by empowering the new generation. We can enrich the society by empowering the under privileged children and women and further help them to grow and take their dreams further. This will help enhance the quality of their lives and those around them. With that in my I finally went ahead in pursuit of my dream and in 2007 I registered the Parichay Foundation.

OL: What are the key objectives and current focus of your organisation?

RP: The Key focus of my organization is to empower women socially and economically. Further we also aim to foster value education into the new generation by imparting value based education and skill training of the individuals under the shelter of Parichay Foundation.

OL: How do you present the journey so far?

RP: Well it has been a mixed experienced so far but I would rather focus on the positives. Lot of Encouragement poured in from most quarters but I would be honest to admit that somwetimes I fell on low spirits too. But I chose to embrace positivity and kept moving ahead with the foundation and our objectives.

OL:Parichaya Foundation has been organising different award ceremonies every year. What is the idea behind this initiative?

RP: We wanted to felicitate achievers from both ends of the spectrum Male and Female. Thus the idea of honoring Men in “SHRIE AWARDS” and Women in “AARYA AWARDS” came into being. Our motive is to encourage others and motivate individuals to contribute their bit towards the society and hence the nation.

OL:You are organising Shrie Awards to appreciate male achievers in different domain. What would you like to highlight on the 2017 edition of the event?

RP: The sole purpose of organising “SHRIE AWARDS” is to encourage Men and motivate others to contribute back to the society. I want to dedicate this program to my father. Also as the saying goes ‘behind every successful man there is a woman’ similarly those ladies who are doing quite well for themselves and are successful in their respective fields are being motivated by their father, husband, brother, or a friend. Through this program we want to show our respect for them.

OL: Your organisation is operating in different states carrying out various campaigns and activities. Would you like to share the key programs and their impact?

RP: We are working in the states of Odisha, Bihar & Delhi. After continuously working for few years we have seen desired change in the lives of beneficiaries and their positive approach to life. Many programs are run by Parichay Foundation and to name a few among them I can recall the Tribal School in Begunia & other key projects in Bhubaneswar Slums. We also have ongoing projects on educating school dropouts in parts of Bihar and Delhi.

OL: You come from a political family and also married to a politician. How does it impact your ideas and the social work you have undertaken? How you see the road ahead?

RP: In this case I am very lucky as I got support from my father as well as my husband. They both encourage me in my endeavor and often take time out of their busy schedule to visit me on the project field and provide me with their valuable insights. As I see, it is like a family initiative and I am thankful to them for their unflinching support and cooperation. Well the road ahead is full of promise and I am ready to work hard and face the challenges to contribute my bit towards the upliftment of the downtrodden.



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